Center For Pollinator Health


Center For Pollinator Health


Center For Pollinator Health


Industry Partnerships

Industry Partnerships

Applied Science Workshops for Queen Breeders:

We run workshops for professional queen breeders to share our applied scientific knowledge and innovative techniques, fostering advancements in beekeeping and sustainable apiculture practices.

Applied Science Workshops for Queen Breeders:

We run workshops for professional queen breeders to share our applied scientific knowledge and innovative techniques, fostering advancements in beekeeping and sustainable apiculture practices.

Applied Science Workshops for Queen Breeders:

We run workshops for professional queen breeders to share our applied scientific knowledge and innovative techniques, fostering advancements in beekeeping and sustainable apiculture practices.

  • participants at the workshop
  • participants at the workshop

Presentations at Conventions:

Our researchers frequently present their latest findings and research at national and international conventions, contributing to the dissemination of knowledge and advancements in keeping honey bee and other pollinators healthy.

Presentations at Conventions:

Our researchers frequently present their latest findings and research at national and international conventions, contributing to the dissemination of knowledge and advancements in keeping honey bee and other pollinators healthy.

Presentations at Conventions:

Our researchers frequently present their latest findings and research at national and international conventions, contributing to the dissemination of knowledge and advancements in keeping honey bee and other pollinators healthy.

  • researcher presenting at the convention
  • researcher presenting at the convention

Research Collaborations:

We actively collaborate with professional beekeepers and queen breeders through various research projects to address their needs. We offer our laboratory advanced molecular techniques to beekeepers to produce reliable results and let them make informed decisions in their beekeeping activities.

Research Collaborations:

We actively collaborate with professional beekeepers and queen breeders through various research projects to address their needs. We offer our laboratory advanced molecular techniques to beekeepers to produce reliable results and let them make informed decisions in their beekeeping activities.

  • profeessional beekeeper apiary
  • profeessional beekeeper apiary